
      Empowering Civil Courage: Responding to Gender-Based Violence within the Framework of Austrian Laws and Women Specialist Services

      Datum (Beginn): Donnerstag, 30. November 2023
      Datum (Ende): Donnerstag, 30. November 2023
      Beginn: 11:30 

      Ende: 13:30 



      Donnerstag, 30. November 2023, 11:30 - 13:30

      In a world that strives for gender equality, it is imperative that we equip ourselves with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively when someone is experiencing gender-based violence. Join us for an engaging and informative workshop that focuses on "Civil Courage" and offers insights into how to react in accordance with Austrian laws and the available women specialist services. By the end of this workshop, you will be better equipped to respond to gender-based violence incidents in a manner that aligns with Austrian laws and leverages the resources of women's specialist services. Together, we can foster a safer and more equitable society for all.

      Veranstaltet von: WAVE Network

      Ort: Central European University (Quellenstraße 51, 1100 Vienna)

      Eintritt: free

      max. Teilnehmer*innenzahl: 20

      Anmeldung: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdtP8tMt2ql0wqK2RZ9Fd97W9QggLi-CSBWrL8r0Pt5Guc-rg/viewform

      Bauliche Barrierefreiheit (keine Stufen/barrierefreies WC): yes

      Event-Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdtP8tMt2ql0wqK2RZ9Fd97W9QggLi-CSBWrL8r0Pt5Guc-rg/viewform

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